Could your team be a candidate for one of these prizes?

We are delighted to share the news with members that applications for the Dr Falk Pharma, BASL British Liver Trust Awards are open.

Dr Falk Pharma, BASL and the British Liver Trust all agree in the power of shared understanding to improve patient outcomes. These awards recognise the need to share excellence in clinical service development and improvements that have clear benefit for people with liver disease. Such work is rarely that of one individual or discipline, thus these awards are designed to enable teams to develop an idea or continue their work.

The awards represent an opportunity to achieve national recognition as well as financial support for career progression.

Dr Falk / BASL Innovation Award
One award up to a value of £2,000 for a project proposal in start-up, which would be completed prospectively over 12-24 months. The lead applicant will need a local mentor to support the project and will be supported to ensure the success of the project. The award is identified to facilitate research in an area relevant to improving either clinical service development or offering a benefit to patients with liver disease.

Dr Falk / BASL Quality and Service Improvement Awards
Two awards with a value of £1,000 to recognise work and projects in progress and / or completed within the last 3 years for which evidence of benefit can be shown. These awards are open to any team of healthcare professionals working in liver disease developing initiatives that have improved patient care.

Applications for both Awards are via the BASL website with a separate application form for each Award.

Click on the appropriate link below to start your application:

·       Innovation Award - applications closed

·       Quality and Service Improvement Awards - applications closed

Please download a copy of the Guidance for Applications document before making your application:  Download Dr Falk BASL Award Guidance for Applicants_2024_final.pdf

NB: These are team awards and the lead applicant for both Awards must be a BASL member.

Important dates: 
Applications Open - 16th April 2024
Applications Close - 9AM 17th June 2024
Notification of winners by 19th July 2024

Presentation of the Awards with be during the BASL Annual Meeting in Harrogate 8-11th October.

BASL is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work and is actively promoting equal opportunities to our activities, including our awards, for all our members regardless of their background, place of work or professional group. We welcome applications from all disciplines in the field of liver healthcare.

Please contact admin@basl.org.uk if you have any questions regarding the application process.


Applications closed on 1st July 2024

Each year BASL presents the Dame Sheila Sherlock research prize, one of the highlights of the annual meeting. This prize is awarded annually to recognise the enormous contribution of Dame Sheila Sherlock to the development of Hepatology as a discipline in its own right.

Dame Sheila was involved in the foundation of the British Liver Club in 1961, which subsequently evolved into The British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL). She was one of our past presidents and the first recipient of the BASL Distinguished Service Awards.

In keeping with Dame Sheila’s enthusiasm for fostering young researchers, this eponymous research prize is awarded to young investigators without substantive posts in either medicine or science for their research contributions in the field of hepatology.

The winner will receive free registration to the meeting, an award and a prize of £1,000 and an invite to deliver the prize lecture and present their research at the BASL Annual Meeting.

To apply, please send one A4 sheet outlining your research and another A4 sheet listing up to 5 related publications.

NB: one person cannot win the Dame Sheila Sherlock Research Prize and Andy Burroughs Young Investigator Award in the same year.  Nor can they win a second award with the same body of work as the first.

You must be a BASL member to apply.

BASL is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work. It is actively promoting equal opportunities and access for all our members regardless of their background.


Applications closed 1st July 2024

The Andy Burroughs Young Investigator Award was set up in honour of the late Professor Andrew Burroughs.

Professor Burroughs was an eminent and world renowned Professor of Hepatology and Consultant Physician/Hepatologist and among his many achievements including his wide area of expertise in cirrhosis and portal hypertension and significant contribution to liver Transplantation.

This prize is awarded to young investigators who have contributed to clinical or translational research related to liver disorders who are in a training non-substantive post. This year the winner will receive free registration to the meeting, an award and a prize of £1,000 and an invite to deliver the prize lecture and present their research at the BLTG Annual Meeting.

To apply, please send one A4 sheet outlining the research and another A4 sheet listing up to 5 related publications.

NB: one person cannot win the Andy Burroughs Young Investigator Award and the Dame Sheila Sherlock Research Prize in the same year.  Nor can they win a second award with the same body of work as the first.

You must be a BASL member to apply.

BASL is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work. It is actively promoting equal opportunities and access for all our members regardless of their background.


Read more on the News page >  Here.

Nominations close 09:00hrs on 3rd September 2024. 

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