BASL2024 8-11th October including BLTG & BLNA meetings
Harrogate Conference Centre, Harrogate
Register > Here Early Bird closes 26th August
View a BASL programme > Here
View a BLTG programme > Here




8th-11th October 2024

BASL Annual Meeting Tuesday 8th - Friday 11th October 2024 including BLTG Transplant Meeting & BLNA Nurse Meeting.
Venue: Harrogate Convention Centre, Harrogate.
Register > Here.  Early Bird registration rates close 26/08/24.
BASL Annual Meeting website has more details > Here
Programmes: BASL meeting programme view > Here BLTG meeting programme view > Here









The British Association for the Study of the Liver is a multi-disciplinary society with around 900 members composed of interested individuals from clinical medicine, clinical and basic research and allied professions.

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British Liver Nurses' Association is a professional nursing organisation aiming to develop knowledge and understanding of liver disease, in order to improve the quality of patient care.

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The British Viral Hepatitis Group aims to improve the management and study of patients with chronic viral liver disease, bringing together UK hepatologists, gastroenterologists, infectious disease physicians, virologists and interested epidemiologists.

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The BLTG (British Liver Transplant Group) was launched in 2014 to represent the professional interests of liver transplantation in the UK and promote strategic and academic development. The BLTG will foster close relationships with BTS (British Transplant Society) and LICAGE (Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe) and will build on the role of the UK and Ireland Annual Meeting by delivering structure and authority to the group.

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Is a professional pharmacy organisation aiming to develop knowledge and understanding of liver disorders including viral hepatitis, in order to improve the quality of patient care, through medicines optimisation, collaborative and multi-disciplinary working and promoting patient-focused research.

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British Association for Allied Health Professionals in Liver is a professional group for AHP’s specialising or working with patients with liver conditions. Bringing together specialist hepatology AHP’s from across the four Nations. Their aim is to promote excellence through the provision of AHP care to all patients with liver disorders.

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BASL/BLNA/BHPG/BAAL Travel Bursary Applications 2024 - OPEN - Closing 12th August 5PM

News Type: BASL News

Applications are invited from Nurse, Pharmacist and AHP members who are UK-based to apply for a travel bursary.

There are a number of sponsored travel bursary scholarship awards for members this year to attend the forthcoming BASL/BLNA October Meeting in Harrogate.

Scholarship awards are capped at a maximum of £300 per person and are considered a contribution towards a registration fee, travel and accommodation expenses.

When completing the application form, please only select the level of bursary you need so that we can support as many nurse, pharmacist and AHP members as possible to attend the annual meeting.

The bursary levels are:
Level 1 up to £300
Level 2 up to £200
Level 3 up to £100

NB: Bursaries awarded will be capped at the level applied for on the application form.

Please read the Bursary Guidance below before applying:

Download Bursary Guidance Document 2024 v1_July 2024.pdf

Application form - for a Word document of the application form contact .

Download Bursary Application Form 2024 v1_July 2024.pdf

Opportunities to Join the BASL Committees - Nominations Open - deadline 23:59hrs Monday 12th August 2024

News Type: BASL News

Deadline for nominations - 23:59hrs Monday 12th August 2024

There are a number of opportunities coming up for members to serve across BASL, BLTG and BLNA committees, so please get involved and help to shape the future of BASL.


BASL President Elect - elected by the membership and will serve for one year as President Elect and for up to three years as President.
The President is one of three principal officers of the Association (President, Treasurer and Secretary) and chairs the annual Scientific Meeting and the meetings of the Governing Board. The post holder will shadow the BASL President from October 2024, taking up the role of President at the end of the Business Meeting of the Association in October 2025.

The post of President Elect, like other committee posts, is open to the whole membership irrespective of their professional background or their type of Hospital.

NB: President, Secretary and Treasurer post holders must have a different Institutional affiliation within the UK. The post holder shall be registered with Companies House in the UK as a Directors of BASL and registered with the Charities Commission as Trustees.

BASL Clinical Research Lead – elected by the membership and will serve for a period of up to three years and can be re-elected once.
Please find a role description here:  Download BASL Clinical Research Lead Role Guide_2024.pdf

NB: the post shall be registered with Companies House in the UK as a Director of BASL and registered with the Charities Commission as a Trustee.

BASL Trainee Representative – elected by the membership and will serve for a period of up to two years.
Candidates for this post must be a BASL Medically Qualified Member in Training and hold a national training number (NTN). The position is open to all trainees who are at least 24 months pre-CCT
Please find a role description here:  Download BASL Trainee Representative Role Description_2024.pdf


BLTG Chair Elect - elected by the BASL BLTG membership and will serve for a period of one year as BLTG Chair Elect and up to three years as BLTG Chair. The Chair is one of three principal officers (BLTG Chair, BLTG secretary and BASL Treasurer) of the British Liver Transplant Group (BLTG) and sits on the BASL Governing Board.

NB: the above post shall be registered with Companies House in the UK as a Director of BASL and registered with the Charities Commission as a Trustee.

BLTG Conference and Education lead - elected by the BASL BLTG membership and will serve for a period of up to three years.
The post holder will have a key role in the planning and organisation of the BLTG annual meeting as well as other training and educational events.

BLTG Nursing Representative (2 posts) - elected by the BASL BLTG membership and will serve for a period of up to three years.
The 2 x nursing representatives represent patient care before and after liver transplantation respectively.
Nominations are open from Transplant Co-ordinators and nursing representative’s.


BLNA Chair Elect - elected by the BASL BLNA membership and will serve for one year as BLNA Chair Elect and for up to three years as BLNA Chair.
To be eligible to nominate someone for the position of Chair Elect; the proposer and seconder must be a registered nurse and any nomination should include your NMC PIN number.
Please find a role description here:  Download BLNA Chair Elect Role Description_2024.pdf

NB: the above post shall be registered with Companies House in the UK as a Director of BASL and registered with the Charities Commission as a Trustee.

All post holders will take up their roles after the BASL Annual Business Meeting in October 2024.

BASL is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work. It is actively promoting equal opportunities and access for all our members regardless of their background. We would, therefore, encourage you to consider joining the BASL, BLTG or BLNA committees to help to shape the future of BASL and increase our inclusivity/inclusiveness.


Please send your nominations, clearly stating the Committee; BASL BLTG BLNA and the position that your nomination is for to the Secretariat at by the deadline of 23:59hrs Monday 12th August 2024.

Candidates wishing to be considered for nomination must be a member of BASL and will require one BASL member to propose them and a second BASL member to confirm their suitability for the role in writing. (Proposing and seconding of candidates can be done by email.)

A personal statement, containing no more than approx. 300 words, will be requested at the time of nomination from all candidates. Permission will be requested to share the personal statements with the whole BASL membership. (Personal statements are intended for this purpose only.)

Remember for the Trainee Representative post - candidates must be a BASL Medically Qualified Member in Training and hold a national training number (NTN). The position is open to all trainees who are at least 24 months pre-CCT

Remember for the BLNA Chair Elect post - to be eligible to nominate someone for the position the proposer and seconder must be a registered nurse and any nomination should include their NMC PIN number.

If more than 1 candidate is nominated for any of the above Committee posts, the BASL Secretariat will arrange for an election of members. The successful candidate for each post will be elected by a simple majority of those members voting.

Newly elected committee members will be announced at the next Business Meeting of the Association that is being held during the BASL Annual Meeting in Harrogate on Friday 11th October 2024, and join the respective committees thereafter.

If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact or contact the current post holder.

We look forward to hearing from you.

UK National Screening Committee Annual Call for Topics 2024 is now open

News Type: BASL News

The UK National Screening Committee’s (UK NSC’s) 2024 Annual Call for Topics is now open.

During the 3-month annual call, which closes on 30 September 2024, any individual or organisation can submit proposals to the UK NSC for:

  • new screening topics
  • modifications to, or the ceasing of, existing screening programmes
  • early updates to screening topics that the UK NSC has considered in the past 3 years

Proposals can cover population, targeted or risk-stratified screening programmes.

Please refer to the UK NSC annual call: submitting a screening proposal guidance before making a submission.

The 2024 annual call runs from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024.

Please email  if you have any queries about the annual call process.


European Medicines Association (EMA) statement on Obeticholic acid (Ocaliva) for the treatment of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)

News Type: BASL News

The European Medicines Association (EMA) issued a statement on Obeticholic acid (Ocaliva) for the treatment of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) on 28 06 2024.

The EMA has recommended that the marketing authorisation for Ocaliva be revoked in the European Union following results of the COBALT trial, 747-302 . In the UK EMA recommendations do not apply, as we are regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). At present, there are no changes to the recommendations on use of Obeticholic acid in PBC from the MHRA or the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and so current prescribing practices should NOT change.

We shall update the UK liver community if there are any changes to the recommendations on the use of Obeticholic acid.

Please find the link to the longer statement to follow > Here .

National ArLD Audit - ALERT UK

News Type: BASL News

The BASL ArLD special interest group has just launched a national audit (ALERT UK) on the in-patient management of patients with alcohol related liver disease (ArLD). We are keen to get as many sites as possible involved to get a representative sample of current care in the UK.

'ALERT UK' is multicentre retrospective audit and has been endorsed by the BSG, BASL and Torch UK.

In short, we only require data from 20 patients from each site and have a 'pre-coded' spreadsheet based on HES codes to send to your hospital data team to easily identify the patients for inclusion.

All contributors will be named as PubMed citable authors on any publications.

Further information including the full audit protocol can be found here on the BSG website : 

Each site can have up to 4 audit members made up of any of the clinical team involved in the care of inpatients with ArLD ( eg doctors of any grade, nurses, members of alcohol care team, allied health professionals etc)

If you are interested please register your site via this link:

Closing in mid-July.

If you have any questions please contact us : .

Please spread the word in your region if you think of others who may be interested in participating.


19/08/24 - 21/08/24

Basic Science Retreat Meeting - Registration Open
News Type: BASL Events

The Basic Science Retreat 2024 meeting will be an in person meeting bringing together leading scientists, academics and clinicians in the field of UK Hepatology. The meeting provides an exceptional platform to discuss the latest advancements in liver diseases and cutting-edge research technologies.

Date and Times: 13:00hrs Monday 19th to 13:30hrs Wednesday 21st August 2024.
Venue: Dulwich College, London

Registration - the registration fee, is £250 per person, which includes accommodation at Dulwich College for the 19th and 20th August, dinner at a local restaurant and a BBQ at Dulwich Cricket Pavilion.

Register > HERE


The programme is specifically designed to update attendees on current collaborative networks, experimental research, and developments in new technologies in Hepatology. Distinguished speakers will highlight exciting new areas of research and technological advances in Liver Diseases. Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage in short oral presentations, selected from abstracts, which will showcase the latest findings in the field.

In addition to the comprehensive scientific programme, the conference will provide ample networking opportunities for attendees to engage with their peers and foster collaborations that will further advance the field.

Please find the programme and running order of events here:  Download BSR programme_v7 2024.pdf

Abstract Submission is now closed.

The previous events were a resounding success and hopefully again this unique meeting will offer plenty of interaction and discussion as well as a unique opportunity to foster new and lasting collaborative projects across all areas of hepatology research.

We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting. 


Haemochromatosis SIG meeting - September - SAVE THE DATE
News Type: BASL Events

Save the Date

Haemochromatosis SIG meeting

Date: Thursday 5th September
Platform: Zoom
Register here

More details to follow


Current and Future management of Steatotic Liver Disease webinar - Registration now open
News Type: BASL Events

BASL is pleased to announce the next talk in its educational webinar series.  The title of the next webinar is “Steatotic liver disease and its current management.”  The experts will be Dr Jeremy Cobbold (Oxford) and Dr Dina Mansour (Gateshead).

BASL hold regular  webinars (held via Zoom), aimed at promoting education and sharing knowledge amongst clinicians who look after patients with liver disease.  The webinars will cover a wide variety of topics, delivered by expert clinicians from around the UK and the world.  The talks are aimed at consultants, trainees, nurses, clinical nurse specialists, pharmacists, dieticians and pharmacists.  Nursing and medical students are also welcome to attend.

Each session will comprise two experts and two co-chairs  who will host the meeting.  There will be presentations followed by discussion and the opportunity to ask questions remotely. The webinars will be free to watch live by both BASL members and non-members following registration and are open to both trainees and consultants.

We very much encourage you to register for what will be a very enjoyable meeting.

Date: Monday 9th September
Time: 7pm - 8pm BST
Platform: Zoom

Speakers: Dr Jeremy Cobbold & TBC

Chairs: Dr Dina Mansour & TBC

Register for the webinar HERE


BLTG School of Liver Critical Care & Anaesthesia Webinar Series - 11th September - Variceal Bleeding and The Psychological Management of Patients - Registration now open
News Type: BASL Events

British Liver Transplant Group (BLTG) are pleased to announce the 10th meeting in their webinar series.

The BLTG UK Liver Critical Care and Anaesthesia Transplant School is a series of monthly webinars (held via Zoom), aimed at promoting education and sharing knowledge amongst the seven UK Liver Transplant centres. We will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to the perioperative and critical care management of these patients, delivered by expert clinicians from around the UK and the world.

Each session will comprise two 30-minute talks, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. The webinars will be free to watch live by both BASL members and non-members following registration and are open to both trainees and consultants.

Watch the sessions live to receive your CPD certificate.

NB: catch up recordings will be accessible to BASL members ONLY via the BASL website members area.

Programme series can be viewed here:  Download BLTG UK Liver Critical Care & Anaesthesia Transplant School Webinar Series 2023-2024_website v4.pdf

Session 10:

Webinar time: 17:30 - 19:00pm

Dr David Patch, Liver Transplant Physician, Royal Free London

  • Variceal Bleeding – Update for Liver Anaesthetists and Intensivists

Dr Lucy Gorvin, Clinical Psychologist, Royal Free London

  • The psychological management of patients pre-and post-Liver Transplant

Followed by 30mins for questions and discussion.

Register HERE

Not a BASL BLTG member? Why not consider joining, read more > HERE

Contact if you have any questions.


ArLD SIG Meeting - SAVE THE DATE 2024
News Type: BASL Events

Please Save the date for the next ArLD SIG meeting due to take place on the afternoon of the 11th September 2024. 

 This will be a face to face meeting. 

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