News Articles 81 - 90 of 160

BASL Committee Communications and Website Lead Post - Nominations Close 13th December 2019
News Type: BASL News

The tenure of the current Communications and Website Lead will come to an end in January 2020 and as such, BASL are now seeking expressions of interest for this post.

The Communications and Website Lead is elected by the membership to serve for a period of up to three years and may be re-elected once. 

In addition to his/her role on the Governing Board, the post holder is responsible for working with the BASL Secretariat on any website upgrades, to increase BASL’s presence on social media and to work with the committee on developing the BASL member’s portal. A working knowledge of Twitter is desirable.

The post holder will be registered with Companies House in the UK as a Director of BASL and registered with the Charities Commission as a Trustee.

Nomination Process
Please send your nominations, clearly stating the position that your nomination is for, to the BASL Secretariat at by the deadline of 17:00 on Friday 13th December 2019.

Candidates wishing to be considered for this post require one BASL member to propose them and a second BASL member to confirm their suitability for the role in writing.

If more than one candidate is nominated, the Secretariat will arrange for an election of all members. He/she will be elected by simple majority of those members voting. A personal statement, containing no more than approx. 300 words, will be required from the candidate should an election need to take place.

The newly elected post will be announced in the January 2020 newsletter to members.

If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact .

BASL BVHG Secretary Post - Nominations Close 13th December 2019
News Type: BASL News

The tenure of the current Secretary will come to an end in January 2020 and as such the British Viral Hepatitis Group (BVHG) are now seeking expressions of interest for this post.

The British Viral Hepatitis Group aims to improve the management and study of patients with chronic viral liver disease, bringing together UK hepatologists, gastroenterologists, infectious disease physicians, virologists and interested epidemiologists.

The BVHG Secretary is elected by the BASL / BVHG membership to serve for a period of up to three
year’s and may be re-elected once. The Secretary is responsible for running the administrative tasks pertaining to his/her function and will work closely with the BASL Secretariat, which is appointed by the BASL Governing Board.

The main roles of the post are to support the BVHG Chair in the organisation of educational events and to help arrange the BASL / BVHG Hepatology and Viral School.

The BVHG is commissioned by the BASL Governing Board to:

• a) promote research and the exchange of scientific information concerning viral hepatitis;
• b) foster multicentre scientific studies pertaining to viral hepatitis within the UK;
• c) promote education of physicians, surgeons, clinical nurse specialists and scientists
• with regard to viral hepatitides and their management;
• d) Promote interaction between clinical disciplines to promote good care of patients and foster research and clinical trials.

Nomination Process
Please send your nominations, clearly stating the position that your nomination is for, to the BASL Secretariat at  by the deadline of 17:00 on Friday 13th December 2019. 

Candidates wishing to be considered for election will require one BASL member to propose them and a second BASL member to confirm their suitability for the role in writing.

If more than one candidate is nominated, the Secretariat will arrange for an election of all members. He/she will be elected by simple majority of those members voting. A personal statement, containing no more than approx. 300 words, will be required from the candidate should an election need to take place.

The newly elected post will be announced in the January 2020 newsletter to members.

If you require any further information about this role please contact the current post holder Dr Will Gelson at  .

Annual call for topics open - UK NSC - closes midnight 4th December 2019
News Type: BASL News

The UK NSC has opened the annual call for new screening topics. It provides every individual, group or organisation with the opportunity to submit a proposal for a new screening programme. This window of opportunity closes at midnight on 4th December 2019.

If you wish to propose a new screening topic that is not already on the UK NSC list, the guidance, submission form and an example proposal are all available at the end of this link: .

Please ensure you read through the guidance and use the template submission form which will guide you through all the requirements of a proposal.

For more information about the annual call please read our blog: 

Evidence Team
UK National Screening Committee 

Vacancy - Clinical lecturer in Gastroenterology/Hepatology - Birmingham - closing date 12 November
News Type: BASL News

Clinical lecturer in Gastroenterology/Hepatology - Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy

College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham

  • Full Time for 5 Years, or until CCT plus 6 months (whichever is sooner)
  • Starting salary is normally in the range £31,931 to £59,401 a year
  • Closing date: 12 November 2019 Reference: 82161

The post is an HEFCE funded Clinical Lectureship at the University of Birmingham, in Gastroenterology/Hepatology. This post is available for 5 years or until CCT plus 6 months (whichever is sooner). It is, therefore, anticipated that the training programme will attract applicants who have already completed part of their higher specialist training in general medicine or gastroenterology.

The post-holders have responsibilities, which include the care of inpatients and outpatients with general medical and gastrointestinal or liver problems and which from time to time include teaching of introductory course students, final year students and postgraduate students and co-ordination of undergraduate medical examinations at the training hospital.

The appointee will be encouraged and supported to develop a programme of discovery and/or translational research in line with current areas of interest in the unit. The department has an international reputation in the following research areas including immunology, stromal cell and stem cell biology focusing on regeneration in inflammatory bowel and liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Another major area of interest is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with strength in pre-clinical and clinical phases. The successful candidate would work closely within the £12M NIHR Biomedical Research Centre hosted in Birmingham which supports world-leading translational research.

The successful candidate will be appointed to the academic gastroenterology and hepatology training scheme.

Clinical placement will be divided between the Gastroenterology and Liver Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. During the Gastroenterology placement there will be exposure to general medicine and acute medical takes. During the placement on the Liver Unit the candidate will participate in ward work, clinics as well as the on call rota. Clinical contribution will be on a 0.5 WTE basis.

Academic placement will be in the Centre for Liver and Gastrointestinal Research (CLGR) and the lecturer will benefit from the close collaboration between clinicians and scientists in the CLGR. Training will be overseen by Professor Newsome (Director of Centre) and Dr Shetty (Academic Training Lead for Gastroenterology/Hepatology). The Lecturer will be expected to develop a novel research programme under their supervision in line with those of the Centre, with a view to applying for clinician scientist/intermediate fellowship funding. The successful candidate would work closely within the £12M NIHR Biomedical Research Centre hosted in Birmingham and world leading experts and state of the art facilities in the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy.

• A higher degree (MD/PhD) is desirable
• Ability to analyse information and communicate effectively
• Ability to access and organise resources successfully.

To download the details of this position and submit an electronic application online please visit the University of Birmingham website here >

For informal queries please contact Prof P Newsome .

Alternatively information can be obtained from or by visiting .


New report on alcohol duty: cuts linked to 2,000 additional deaths
News Type: BASL News

new report from the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group, commissioned by the Institute of Alcohol Studies, finds that almost 2,000 people in England, and 250 in Scotland, have died as a result of recent government cuts to alcohol duty.

Tax on alcohol has been reduced in real-terms in five of the last six Budgets, and, as a consequence, there are estimated to have been:
- over 100,000 additional crimes,
- 500,000 additional days of work lost, and
- over 61,000 additional hospital admissions.

This comes at a cost to the NHS of £341 million. The report also finds that reintroducing the duty escalator, which ensured that tax rates rose by 2% above inflation each year, could reverse these trends. A duty escalator in place until 2032 is estimated to save over 4,700 lives. The Independent has the story.

These findings come at a crucial time for the AHA duty campaign and to support the AHA campaign. BASL has sent a letter to the Chancellor, see below, highlighting the need to increase alcohol duty by 2% in the upcoming Budget.  

Download Letter to Chancellor-Duty Campaign October 2019.pdf

Officials at the Treasury have told the AHA that they noticed the increase in letters asking for alcohol tax increases, both from organisations and MPs, so the campaign is having a real impact. 

Minimum price ‘cuts drinking by half a pint a week’
News Type: BASL News

‘Another string of evidence supports the effectiveness of introducing minimum price based on the strength of alcoholic drinks’.

The introduction of minimum pricing for alcohol in Scotland appears to have cut drinking, a study suggests.
View the article on the BBC News website here > .

More than a quarter of people who die from liver disease in hospital have no previous admission in the year before their death
News Type: BASL News

Press Release -  British Liver Trust

More than a quarter of people who die from liver disease in hospital have no previous admission in the year before their death

New data released today at the largest conference for liver clinicians reveals that around 5,200 people die from liver disease in hospital in England each year. Of these, 30% of those have not had an admission in the year before death. On admission to hospital time is of the essence in saving these seriously ill patients. 1 in 4 of those who die do not survive more than 3 days and 43% do not survive a week.

These are people with advanced liver disease and many of their lives could have been saved if they had been diagnosed earlier in primary or secondary care and had been given advice on risk factors like alcohol and management of their liver disease.

The analysis is being presented at the British Association for the Study of the Liver conference in Glasgow. The data also reveals that these deaths occur in relatively young people. 60% of these patients are under 64 years of age and that one in five are under the age of 50.

Liver disease has increased by 400% since 1970 and it’s the biggest cause of death in those aged between 35-49 years old in the UK ( ).

This new data highlights the urgent need for improvements in early detection of the disease as most patients are being diagnosed too late in an emergency setting.

Professor Matthew Cramp, president at BASL, says: “Many people with liver disease are unaware that they have it because there are usually have no symptoms in the early stages. Too often the first a patient knows about their liver disease is when they are admitted as an emergency to hospital with life threatening complications. Even with the doctors’ best efforts some patients are so ill that their life cannot be saved.”

“It’s vital that GPs and other healthcare professionals identify those at risk so that more patients are diagnosed at an early stage.”

The research used Office for National Statistics mortality data and Hospital Episode Statistics data supplied by NHS Digital. Other alarming facts highlighted by the research:

• 29.1% of the patients who died in hospital had no previous admission in the year
• 20.8% had only one previous admission in the year before they died
• 25.3% of those who die do not survive more than 3 days in hospital
• 43% of those who die do not survive more than a week in hospital.
• 2,230 liver patients die each year in hospital in a week or less from admission, that is 43 patients per week or 6 patients every day.
• The majority (60%) of those dying from liver disease in hospital are under the age of 64 and 20% are under the age of 50.
• At least two-thirds of the patients who died with no previous admission in the year before death died from alcohol related liver disease
• Patients admitted to hospitals with specialist liver services are more likely to be seen by a specialist in liver disease and be admitted to ITU

Professor Matthew Cramp, president at BASL, says: “Despite being young and very sick, many patients die from the disease without ever being seen or cared for by a specialist. Patients with life-threatening liver disease complications need to be recognised quickly when they arrive at hospital and should be seen by a specialist with knowledge of liver disease quickly and treated according to Guidelines.”

This study found that the chance of these patients being seen by a specialist (Gastroenterologist or hepatologist) and being admitted to ITU was higher if they were admitted to a hospital with specialist liver services.

Matthew Cramp adds: “Smaller hospitals should link with specialist hospitals to consult with experts or transfer patients if appropriate.”
Liver problems develop silently with no obvious symptoms in the early stages yet if caught early, the disease can be reversed through lifestyle changes. More than 90% of liver disease is due to three main risk factors: obesity, alcohol and viral hepatitis.

Pamela Healy, Chief Executive, British Liver Trust said, “This research highlights the liver disease epidemic we are facing in the UK. While the data presented is based on England only, this is likely to reflect the situation with liver disease in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.”

To coincide with the BASL conference, The British Liver Trust’s Love Your Liver roadshow is at the University of Strathclyde today offering free liver health screening and scanning.

Pamela continues: “Helping people understand how to reduce their risk of liver damage is vital to address the increase in deaths from liver disease. Although the liver is remarkably resilient, if left too late damage is often irreversible. I would urge everyone who is unable to attend the roadshow to take our online screener on our website to see if they are at risk.”


1. For additional information of please refer to the following:
• The 2nd Atlas of variation in risk factors and healthcare for liver disease in England published by PHE and NHS Rightcare in 2017: 
• There is an interactive version of the Atlas at 
2. The Love Your Liver Campaign focuses on three simple steps to Love Your Liver back to health:
i) Drink within recommended limits and have three consecutive days off alcohol every week
ii) Cut down on sugar, carbohydrates and fat, and take more exercise
iii) Know the risk factors for viral hepatitis and get tested or vaccinated if at risk
3. The roadshow comprises a mobile unit where people can take a free online screening test and find out if they are at risk. Free liver health scanning is also offered using a non-invasive device. Expert guidance on how to keep your liver healthy from healthcare profession.

New study shows alcohol service saves NHS money
News Type: BASL News

Press Release - British Liver Trust

New study shows alcohol service saves NHS money

New evidence being presented today at the British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL) conference in Glasgow shows that an innovative new service treating people who are alcohol dependent is having dramatic effects and saving the NHS money.

The liver unit from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has developed a new service that has turned traditional ways of treating people with alcohol dependency on its head. They analysed data over the first six months of the pilot service, and found that their new service had saved £78,400 in acute hospital bed days alone, not counting additional savings including ambulance and social services costs.

The Assertive Alcohol Outreach Service (AAOS) in Plymouth identifies frequent users of A&E who are alcohol dependent. They then provide targeted intensive bespoke care that is highly individualised for six months. By visiting their homes, liaising with family members, and other services such as social care, housing, and debt services they are achieving improved health outcomes for the individual patients as well as saving money.

People who frequently attend A&E departments for alcohol-related reasons place a disproportionate burden on hospital bed usage. Although A&E staff are generally sympathetic to the needs of people with complex drinking and related problems, they do not have the resources or training to provide the kind of personalised support that people who frequently attend A&E with alcohol-related problems often need. One in ten people in the hospital system in the UK are alcohol dependent.1

The Plymouth team set out to address these alarming statistics by trying a completely different approach.

Louise Dunn who leads the nurse led service said, “These patients have complex needs and often don’t interact with traditional service models. This service puts the patient at the centre, builds relationships and really considers what is needed for each particular individual.”

Users of the service reported how it had improved their family relationships, quality of life family dynamics, improved health, and enabled them to engage more effectively.

One user commented, “I've never got on with other services as they treat you like they have a recipe book and if you’re not on their ingredients list, they can't help you. But AAOS have thrown away the recipe book, looked at the ingredients, (me) and just cooked with what you've got and that's why I think it's finally worked!"”

Pam Healy, Chief Executive of the British Liver Trust said, “The NHS Long Term Plan has recommended hospital-based alcohol care teams as one of the key interventions for preventing illness and reducing health inequalities. This new evidence suggests that this may be an excellent model for how they could deliver their services to ensure that they are integrated and truly meet the needs of patients.”

1. A major review published in July 2019 pulled together the results of 124 previous studies involving 1.6 million hospital inpatients revealed that one in ten people in the hospital system are alcohol dependent. 

Minimum unit pricing in Scotland has had biggest impact on drinking patterns in Glasgow
News Type: BASL News

Press Release - British Liver Trust

Minimum unit pricing in Scotland has had biggest impact on drinking patterns in Glasgow

Thursday 19th May 2019 - Evidence released today at the UK’s largest conference for liver experts shows that minimum unit pricing, introduced in Scotland in May 2018, may have had a significant impact amongst Scotland’s heaviest drinkers in Glasgow where there has been a reduction in alcohol-related deaths.

The research being presented at the British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL) conference in Glasgow has important implications for MUP in England and the rest of the UK. The key findings are:

• Glasgow City has seen a 21.5% reduction in alcohol-related deaths from 2017 to 2018: 186 to 146.
• Almost half (44%) of the alcohol-related deaths in 2018 in Glasgow occurred before May 2018 when MUP was introduced.

Speaking at the BASL event, Dr Ewan Forrest, said when presenting the results:
“Glasgow has always had much higher levels of alcohol-related deaths than other parts of Scotland. This latest information suggests that MUP may be reducing alcohol-related harm in those at highest risk. More time is needed to assess the effect on MUP on the rest of Scotland and to get a clearer idea as to how MUP might affect the rest of the UK.”

Professor Matthew Cramp, President of BASL adds: “This early evidence suggests that implementing MUP does exactly what it is supposed to – it is a highly targeted measure that improves the health of the heaviest drinkers and those experiencing the most harm from alcohol whilst those who drink in moderation continue much as before.”

Scotland was the first country in the world to implement a minimum unit price for alcohol, following a ten-year campaign by health bodies including the British Liver Trust.

The Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 states that all alcohol sold through licensed premises in Scotland cannot be sold below a set minimum unit price (MUP). The MUP depends on the amount of alcohol contained in the product and is currently set at 50p per unit of alcohol.

Pamela Healy, Chief Executive of the British Liver Trust said, “We are facing a liver disease epidemic in the UK and a major reason for this is that as a nation we are drinking too much alcohol.

“There is good evidence that interventions such as minimum unit pricing (MUP), targeted taxes and marketing regulations reduce alcohol harm. Alcohol taxes have been cut repeatedly in real terms. The Government needs to look carefully at the outcomes from Scotland on MUP so that more lives can be saved.

The British Liver Trust is the largest UK charity for all adults with liver disease., which is the third leading cause of premature death. Their Love Your Liver roadshow is in Scotland this week raising awareness of the risk factors of the disease, including alcohol misuse.

The British Liver Trust urges everyone to take their online screening test to find out if they are at risk of liver disease: .

BASL Trainee Mentoring Sessions at BASL / BLTG 2019
News Type: BASL News

The mentoring sessions will be informal and will cover advice on career development. The sessions will be led by Professor Michael Heneghan, Consultant Hepatologist & Professor of Hepatology at the Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital.

When - the morning of Wednesday 18th September 2019

Where – during the BASL / BLTG Annual Meeting at the Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Criteria – you must be a BASL Medically Qualified in Training Member and be registered for the BASL / BLTG Annual Meeting 2019.

Times - a session can be booked in advance and 30-minute time slots are available between 10:00 – 13:00 and are being offered on a first come first served basis. The final sessions will start at 12:30.

To Book - register for a mentoring session in advance by emailing before 2 p.m. on Friday 6th September 2019. Alternatively speak with colleagues on the day at the Registration Desk at BASL2019 to book a session.

We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow.