HCC UK is a multi-disciplinary organisation aiming to promote professional collaboration in research, education and clinical service development for primary liver cancers. We bring together leading oncologists, liver surgeons, hepatologists, basic scientists, radiologists, pathologists and specialist nurses to lead improvement in the quality of patient care. Its affiliation with BASL recognises the multi-disciplinary nature of collaboration in research and clinical practice.


BASL funded HCC-UK/NCRAS Partnership

Hepatocellular carcinoma rates are rapidly increasing in the UK in parallel with the increasing liver disease and the prognosis for patients is still poor. Hepatocellular carcinoma UK (HCC-UK) and the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) have formed a partnership to combine the expertise of HCC-UK with the extensive resource of the national cancer registry to conduct high quality research in to hepatocellular carcinoma

Specific aims:
− Improving quality of liver cancer data
− Examine trends in HCC incidence, mortality and survival in the UK
− Identify the causes of the rising incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma
− Identify inequalities in incidence, survival and treatment
− Identify determinants of treatment allocation and survival
− Quantify NHS expenditure on HCC

Several groups are currently involved:

  • Partnership lead
    Anya Burton, HCC-UK and National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England
  • Clinical leads
    Graeme Alexander, UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health.
    Aileen Marshall, Sheila Sherlock Liver Unit, Royal Free Hospital
  • University of Leeds
    Ian Rowe and Rob Driver
  • Swansea University
    Katherine Cullen, Rhys Pockett and Deb Fitzsimmons
  • University of Liverpool
    Vinay Kumar and Tim Cross
    David Wallace

Please contact anya.burton@bristol.ac.uk for any enquiries about the work of the partnership, to see how we can help you improve your liver cancer data or if you are interested in discussing a potential research project using NCRAS data.

Liver-specific COSD item guidance

Liver-specific COSD item summary  Download Liver-specific COSD item guidance v8.1.pdf

Liver-specific COSD item summary_Somerset  Download Liver-specific COSD item guidance v8.1_Somerset.pdf

Guidance on how to complete the new liver-specific COSD items and when they are important to future liver cancer work. The Somerset version includes locations of each item in the Somerset Cancer Register.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma Staging Calculator  - this tool is designed to aid calculation of the mandatory liver-specific COSD items BCLC stage, UKELD score and TNM stage, which are used to inform treatment decisions. Use of this calculator ensures standardised and accurate calculation of these items.

Macros must be enabled in order to complete the input required fields in yellow in the calculator worksheet; the output fields are in blue. Details of definitions, sources, developers and contacts are given in the remaining worksheets. Please contact anya.burton@bristol.ac.uk with enquires about the use of the calculator, if you require additional guidance or support in completing the new items of if you would like to know how this data will be used. 

Download HCC_Calculator.xlsm

HCC-UK Annual Conference 2025 - 27th & 28th March - Manchester - REGISTER NOW

Calling all hepatologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, palliative care and nurse specialists, along with scientists and everyone involved in caring for patients with HCC.

HCC-UK comprises professionals from multiple disciplines interested in improving outcomes for the increasing numbers of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The organisation primarily hosts this conference and forms a network of expertise in the research and treatment of HCC.

HCC-UK meeting programme:  Download HCC UK 2025 v.9.pdf

CNS meeting programme:  Download CNS meeting 2025 v.2.pdf

Register Now

Consultants: £70
Resident doctors: Thursday £20, Friday £35, both days £35
Allied health professionals: Thursday £20, Friday £20, both days £35
Basic scientists: Thursday £20, Friday £20, both days £35
Industry (non-exhibitor): Thursday £100 Friday £100, both days £150


Visit the HCC-UK Annual Conference website for full information about the event.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch at hcc-uk@execbs.com .

The HCC-UK Committee 

Through its committee HCC-UK shall:

a) Maintain a suite of educational activities across basic research and clinical practice relating to primary liver cancer in the UK, acknowledging the multi-disciplinary nature of UK practice and including scientists, specialist, generalist and trainee clinicians.
b) Be a forum for sharing research initiatives, including the collection of material for national studies.
c) Build links with other health professionals in primary care, gastroenterology, radiology, surgery and pathology, including development of referral pathways that provide equity of access to surveillance, diagnosis and treatment for patients with primary liver cancer throughout the UK.
d) Develop guidelines to promote best practice.
e) Arrange an annual Business Meeting open to the full Group, to ensure that the formal organisational arrangements are adhered to.

The HCC-UK committee meetings take place three to four times a year.

Current membership

Chair Aileen Marshall, Royal Free Hospital, London
Secretary Tim Meyer, University College London
Conference & education co-leads Victoria Snowdon, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge & Tom Bird, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary & CRUK Beatson Institute in Glasgow
Basic science leads Matthew Hoare, CRUK Cambridge Institute & Shishir Shetty, University of Birmingham
Hepatology representative Tim Cross, Liverpool University Hospitals
Oncology representative Richard Hubner, Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Surgery representative   Dinesh Sharma, Royal Free, London
Radiology representative Teik Choon See, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
Pathology representative Owen Cain, University Hospitals Birmingham
Nursing representative Sarah Selemani, Kings College Hospital, London
BASL nominee TBC



Annual reports
Annual report 2017-18 -  Download Annual report_2017-18_HCC-UK.pdf.
Annual report 2018-19 -  Download Annual report_2018-19_HCC-UK.pdf.

Join Basl - BASL Membership covers membership to BASL and all of it's sub-groups: BLNA, BVHG, BLTG, BHPG and HCC-UK. Click here to find out more. BASL Events - BASL and the BASL Sub Groups run an exciting and varied calendar of educational events throughout the year, as well as endorsing other not to miss events. Click here to Book Now.