News Articles 151 - 160 of 160

New Report - 'How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer'
News Type: BASL News

A report has just launched in Drug and Alcohol Review about ' How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer'.

The report produced by Professor Mark Petticrew, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and colleagues is available to read here;  Download Report London School of Hygiene.pdf

NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre Clinical Research Fellows - 2 fixed term posts
News Type: BASL News

Fixed Term posts of 12 months

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) opened on 1 April 2017 with the aim of using cutting edge experimental medicine to accelerate access to, and adoption of, drugs, devices and diagnostics tests for patients living with chronic inflammatory diseases. The NIHR Birmingham BRC brings together the expertise of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) and the University of Birmingham, both members of Birmingham Health Partners (BHP), and is one of 20 NHS and University partnerships across England that have been awarded funding through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

We are seeking two highly motivated Clinical Research Fellows to undertake research into chronic inflammatory disease. The post-holders willbe based in the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the University of Birmingham in the Institute for Biomedical Research. One post will involve the delivery of the Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis–Inflammatory Bowel Disease research programme of the BRC, reporting to Professor Gideon Hirschfield. The second post will involve undertaking clinical trials and other studies in patients with chronic inflammatory disease including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and autoimmune liver disease, and will report to Professor Philip Newsome.

We are looking for clinicians with MRCP or equivalent, a potential ability to conduct and publish their own research, strong communication skills and an ability and eagerness to work in a multi-disciplinary team. The successful candidates will have an enthusiasm to learn and will be expected to register for a higher degree.

The positions are available for 12 months with potential and expectation to extend for a higher degree and submission of a fellowship application. Salary will be at the appropriate point on the appropriate clinical scale, with placement according to qualifications and experience.

Closing date: 21st September Reference: POST NUMBERS 57808 and 57809

To apply for these jobs please visit the University of Birmingham vacancies website.

Alcohol Health Alliance Newsletter - August 2017
News Type: BASL News

Click here to view the Alcohol Health Alliance Newsletter - August 2017.

The fight against hepatitis C has not yet been won – here’s what we have to do
News Type: BASL News

Read an article by Professor Mark Thursz in the Huffington Post > here.

Professor Mark Thursz is professor of hepatology at Imperial College and consultant in hepatology at St Mary's Hospital, London. Professor Thursz is also the current Chair of the Hepatitis C Coalition.

Vacancy - Trust Clinical Fellow (Str Higher Non NTN) in Hepatology - Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust - closing date 24th September 2017
News Type: BASL News

Trust Clinical Fellow (Str Higher Non NTN) in Hepatology

Job Reference: 216-9645-HEP

Employer: Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Department: 216 120698 Hepatology Medical Staff

Location: Plymouth

Salary: £30,605 to £48,123 pa

Closing date 24th September 2017

For further information about this vacancy click > here

PHE Notice - Re: Shortage of hepatitis B vaccines - recommendations for national clinical directors
News Type: BASL News

Dr. Mary Ramsay and Dr Sema Mandal

Immunisation, Hepatitis, Blood Safety and Countermeasures Response

There is a global shortage of hepatitis B vaccine which is currently impacting severely on the UK supply. The situation is particularly critical during August but limitations on supply are likely to continue until early 2018. To ensure that stock is available for those individuals at highest and most immediate risk of exposure to hepatitis B, Public Health England (PHE) has developed temporary recommendations to support clinicians undertaking an individual risk assessment.

PHE and Department of Health (DH) have been working with both vaccine manufacturers to institute ordering restrictions according to customer type. The allocation is based on an agreed assessment of the proportion of vaccines used by that provider type for individuals in the highest priority groups. As a consequence, some providers may not be able to order any stock and others will have limits applied to their orders. A mechanism will be in place, however, to allow for exceptional orders if there is an urgent and immediate need for an individual following an individual risk assessment.

NHS Hospital Trusts will get the highest allocation, but it has been agreed with the BMA's General Practitioners Committee that general practice will not be able to order any adult hepatitis B vaccine stock until further notice. Because of this, patients requiring post-exposure hepatitis B vaccination will be referred to urgent care or Accident and Emergency based in NHS trusts for an assessment. In addition, specialist services such as liver services, who may normally request that GPs offer hepatitis B vaccination to their patients should note that the GP may not be able to meet this request.

To sustain supply for those at greatest need, all services are being asked to:

  • ensure that clinicians are aware of the temporary recommendations on prioritising vaccines
  • only order essential vaccine stock (small amounts more frequently) and avoid stockpiling
  • coordinate and monitor stock usage across the service to ensure that scarce stock is being used responsibly
  • accept and use alternative products including combined hepatitis A and B vaccines, and other presentations (e.g. multi-dose packs)

Download the full list of recommendations here >  Download Hepatitis B vaccine shortage PHE letter.pdf

'Best of BASL’ papers feature in this months edition of the Clinical Liver Disease Journal
News Type: BASL News

Highlights from last year's BASL Annual Meeting can be found in this months edition of the Clinical Liver Disease (CLD) Journal. 

Read the 'Best of BASL’ papers, view video presentations of the articles and watch interviews with the Authors.

View the CLD Journal Volume here.    

Hepatitis C in the UK – Annual Report 2017
News Type: BASL News

Public Health England (PHE) has published its Hepatitis C in the UK Annual Report 2017 to coincide with World Hepatitis Day, 27th July 2017.

View the Annual Report > here

Royal College of Physician’s (RCP) Medical Care has been published today
News Type: BASL News

The latest version of the Royal College of Physician’s (RCP) Medical Care has been published today.

Medical Care is a web based planning resource produced by RCP in partnership with UK’s medical specialty societies. The updated version includes further information on workforce and medical specialty specific job planning and additional content on diabetes and endocrinology services.

Medical Care is a valuable resource for clinicians and managers working in the NHS. The resource provides support for:

· Designing services – this includes a short description of the specialty and the patient population, and a summary of the workforce needs to support service provision
· Developing physicians – which includes information on the education, training and continuing professional development, workforce and job planning for physicians
· Improving quality and medical leadership – By exploring the latest ideas on how to develop physicians and teams.

The resource can be found by clicking > here or at  

For queries please contact

The Financial Case for Action on Liver Disease - report
News Type: BASL News

The Lancet Commission into Liver Disease in the UK has published 'The Financial Case for Action on Liver Disease' report. 

Read the report here; Download Financialcaseforactiononliverdiseasepaper.pdf

The alcohol section contains new data on the impact of minimum unit pricing, outlining that within 5 years of introducing MUP in England there would be:
• 1,150 fewer alcohol-related deaths
• 74,500 fewer alcohol-related hospital admissions
• Savings of £325.7m in healthcare costs
• Savings of £710.9m in crime costs.