News Articles 111 - 120 of 160

Clinics and Science in Hepatology - eLearning courses
News Type: BASL News

A series of free eLearning courses is now available online, based on the EACCME-accredited meeting ‘Clinics and Science in Hepatology’*, led by Course Directors Geoffrey Dusheiko and Maria Buti.

The courses are aimed at practising hepatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists. Topics include:

  • Combating hepatitis C to reach elimination by 2030
  • Current management of HBV – focus on practical patient care
  • Current optimal management strategies for HBV
  • Management of HCV – current considerations

Visit to start a course and get your certificate.

Look out for more courses available online soon!

*EACCME accreditation for eLearning courses has been applied for. Decision pending.


NB: BASL have had no input into the eLearning course modules.


The 2019 Guts UK/BSPGHAN Awards are open for applications
News Type: BASL News

Two grants of up to £40,000 each are available for research studies on any topic within the spectrum of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.
These awards are envisaged as development grants for the collection of pilot or proof-of-concept data that will enable a high-quality competitive application to be made subsequently to a research council or other large funder, such as the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR).

The grant call is open to clinician and scientist investigators, including Academic Clinical Lecturers, based at a UK university or hospital. The principal applicant must have a contract of sufficient length to cover the duration of the research project. At the time of applying the principal applicant must have their salary guaranteed for the entire period of the research project. This award is not for a fellowship; the principal applicant must not be a fellow though co-applicants may be. Funding will be available only in the UK. Only the direct costs associated with the project will be funded. Overhead allocation or other indirect costs, and salary of applicants which are already covered by other funding, will not be allowed. Equipment or capital costs will not be funded either. The maximum duration of the projects should be 24 months. 

For further information and to apply:

Deadline: 5pm 2nd April 2019. The awards will be announced in early June.

If you have any queries about these awards please contact: Alice Kington, Finance and Research Manager at Guts UK . Telephone: 020 7563 9994. E-mail: .

Guts UK/Dr Falk Awards - Application Deadline is 4th March 2019
News Type: BASL News

The Guts UK/Dr Falk Awards recognise the achievements of those who bring new insight to gastroenterology and hepatology, and the collaboration that furthers patient care. For those committed to furthering research or improving patient care these awards are an opportunity to achieve national recognition as well as the financial support for career progression. This year colleagues may nominate a nurse for the Nurse Prize.

Prizes available:
A £1,000 prize for the best essay on gastroenterology or hepatology research personally undertaken by medical students who were on an intercalated BSc/MRes/MSc/MPH/MBPhD* course during the previous academic year (2017/18)

Four £1,500 prizes for medical students taking full-time science degrees (BSc/MRes/MSc/MPH/MBPhD*) focusing on research into gastrointestinal or liver-related disease in the current academic year (2018/19)

Two £2,500 awards for F1/F2 doctors to facilitate prospective research in an area relevant to gastroenterology or hepatology

A £1,000 award for primary and secondary care gastrointestinal/liver nurses for initiatives that have advanced patient care

A £1,000 award for dietitians working in the gastrointestinal / liver field for initiatives that have advanced or improved patient care

SpR Trainee Audit/Quality Improvement Awards Up to £10,000 is available for UK-based gastroenterology / hepatology specialty trainees who would like to conduct an audit or quality improvement project in any area of gastroenterology, liver disease or nutrition.

The application deadline is 5pm on Monday 4th March 2019
Applications received after this time will not be considered.
For further information and to apply: 

* PhD students should note that they may apply for the medical student prize only once during their three-year studentship and that they may apply for the essay prize when their PhD has been completed.

3 Year Funded Clinical Research Fellow Post - Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
News Type: BASL News

Applications are invited for a 3 year funded Clinical Research Fellow post for an individual to undertake a PhD in the field on non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and regenerative medicine using state of the art techniques, working with Dr Michael Allison in the Liver Unit, Cambridge BRC, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and Professor Ludovic Vallier at the MRC Stem Cell Institute and Sanger Centre. Applicants are expected to be at the Speciality Registrar level with previous Hepatology experience. Participation in the on-call Hepatology rota is essential at a frequency to be discussed. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to attend all the educational opportunities the Liver Transplant Unit, the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and the Campus offers.

For further information, please contact Dr Michael Allison - .

Recruitment - Hepatology Fellow(s) - Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
News Type: BASL News

The Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, is recruiting Hepatology Fellow(s).

The successful candidate(s) should be completing advanced training in Gastroenterology/Hepatology and have a strong interest in clinical/basic research. The selected candidate will participate in outpatient clinical services for management of liver disease especially viral hepatitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and will also contribute to the junior medical staff education program. Clinical research opportunities include many aspects of chronic liver disease, particularly related to NAFLD and integrated care. Basic research opportunities include investigation of liver repair/regeneration and innate immune function.

For further information or expressions of interest, please contact: Prof Elizabeth Powell, Director, Centre for Liver Disease Research and Hepatologist, Translational Research Institute on Tel No: 61 7 34438015 or .

The commencement is February 2019 however this is negotiable.

PHE and NHSE launch national drive to trace hepatitis C patients
News Type: Hepatology News

Protecting and improving the nation’s health.

New, more effective treatments are available for the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which can improve outcomes and cure the infection in most people.

To ensure as many eligible people as possible are treated, Public Health England is supporting the NHS in contacting people – and informing their GPs – if they have been diagnosed with HCV in the past but may not have cleared their infection. These patients will be offered a test to determine whether or not they have the active infection and, if so, will then be assessed for treatment.

Some people may be aware of their diagnosis and have cleared the infection spontaneously (1 in 5 people do) or have been successfully treated. However, if anyone is unsure of their HCV status and thinks they may be at risk, they should contact their GP to arrange testing.

Read the PHE and NHSE press release here >  Download FINAL-4 HCV Monitoring Report Nov 18.pdf

For more information on HCV please visit: 
You can find the new PHE treatment report here:  
You can find assets for the reengagement exercise here: 

NICE - Subcutaneous automated low-flow pump implantation for refractory ascites caused by cirrhosis
News Type: BASL News

The final guidance for subcutaneous automated low-flow pump implantation for refractory ascites caused by cirrhosis is now available on the NICE website (November 2018) > 

IQILS Accreditation Scheme - update
News Type: BASL News

The IQILS accreditation scheme (Improving Quality in Liver Services) has now been operational for over a year. 2018 has been a busy year for the scheme, with 36 services registered to date.

A full list and map of those registered can be found on the website. Services across Wales, Northern Ireland and England are included in those registered. A few early bird discounts, available for smaller services, kindly supported by BASL, are still available. If your service would be interested in this, please get in touch at .

The second service training day for registered services is being held in London on 29 January 2019. The day is designed for services that would like to learn more about the accreditation standards and the accreditation process. For further information, please contact the team. 

Following an assessor training day held in September, the first batch of assessors have been recruited and trained. Wales is leading the way in improving liver services and with the help of an initiative funded by the Welsh government, with two peer review visits taking place in November 2018. The scheme is going from strength to strength and our hope is that we have more services registering with the scheme. Registration is open to all liver services across the UK.

For further information, please visit the IQILS website  or email  .

Enter the 2018 BJN Awards today - Hepatology/Liver Nurse Category - closes on 19 November 2018
News Type: Nurse News

Enter the 2018 BJN Awards today!

The British Journal of Nursing is delighted to welcome nominations into the BJN Awards 2019. A showcase of nursing excellence, the BJN Awards recognise and celebrate the individuals going above and beyond in delivering their care.

The nurse who goes above and beyond. The nurse who puts patient care at the heart of their role. The nurse who inspires you. The nurse who drives the profession. The nurse who deserves to be celebrated. We all know that nurse.

Please nominate for the Hepatology / Liver Nurse of the year category

By nominating that nurse, you will not only be gaining them the recognition and reward they deserve, you will be doing your part to highlight the critical contribution nursing makes to healthcare.

Entries close on 19 November 2018 so nominate a colleague today by visitng the BJN website by clicking > here.

Election of Wilson’s Disease SIG lead
News Type: BASL News

BASL has set up a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which are linked to the NIHR’s Clinical Research Network (CRN) topic areas. The Wilson’s Disease SIG has been active for one year, with an initial lead appointed by the BASL Committee. BASL is now seeking nominations for an elected Lead for this SIG. 

Eligibility requirements

  • All nominees should be members of the Wilson’s Disease SIG, as a BASL member or as an associate member of BASL through being a member of the SIG
  • Each nominee should have a proposer and seconder, who should also be BASL members or associate members through the Wilson’s Disease SIG
  • The initial Lead can stand for election once
  • Should a contested election be held, BASL / Wilson’s Disease SIG members may vote in this
  • The elected Lead will serve for two years, when there will be a further election.

Nomination process

  • Please send nominations to the BASL Secretariat at  by 17:00 on 19 November 2018
  • If more than one candidate is nominated, the Secretariat will arrange for an election, in which all BASL / Wilson’s Disease SIG members may vote
  • Should an election be required, candidates will need to submit a personal statement of up to 300 words
  • The successful candidate will be elected by a simple majority of those members voting
  • Any queries should be addressed to

About the Wilson’s Disease SIG

The Wilson’s Disease SIG is linked to the Metabolic CRN topic area. The  SIG comprises a variety of clinical and laboratory specialists from around the UK, Public Health England and patient representation from the Wilson’s Disease Support Group. Its aims are to foster closer collaboration for clinical and scientific research, provide a forum to discuss and disseminate best practice, and act as a stimulus towards Centres of Excellence for Wilson’s disease. Further information may be found here.

The role of the SIG Lead

A SIG is expected to meet at least once a year. The BASL secretariat provides administrative support for SIGs, which includes creating and maintaining SIG member databases, arranging meetings and associated materials, and arranging publicity.

The role of the SIG Lead includes:

  • Chairing SIG meetings and co-ordinating actions to be pursued
  • Helping to co-ordinate bids for funding for trials and other research, and linking with the NIHR and other funders
  • Ensuring the SIG is recognised and supported within the Metabolic CRN topic area
  • Reporting on SIG activities to BASL, in particular via liaison with BASL’s Research Subcommittee.