News Articles 21 - 30 of 160
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As many in the hepatology community are aware, HCV Research UK has been operating for more than a decade, providing clinical data and biological samples from a national cohort to support research studies into HCV infection. In total, more than 100 applications for accessing data and samples have been approved, enabling unique insight into the characteristics of infection, pathogenesis and the mechanisms underlying treatment response.
With the advent of direct acting antivirals and the progress towards elimination, there are now few applications requesting access to the resources. In addition, the clinical database has not been updated for several years. As a consequence, the HCV Research UK Management Group has decided to close provision of data and samples by the end of this year. Therefore, we would urge anyone who may wish to use the clinical data and biological samples to lodge applications by the end of May 2024. The process for applying to access HCV Research UK resources can be found at . We also suggest contacting either Will Irving ( or John McLauchlan ( in the first instance. This would allow sufficient time to process the applications, complete the necessary MTAs, prepare the clinical data and set aside any samples that would be needed for any research studies.
The Management Group wishes to express its gratitude to the clinical teams and HCV Research UK staff whose commitment and efforts enabled the creation of a national cohort. Finally, we will be forever grateful to the individuals living with the virus who generously provided their clinical data and samples to the benefit of studies that have deepened our knowledge of HCV infection.
HCV Research UK Management Group
Professor Will Irving (University of Nottingham)
Professor John McLauchlan (University of Glasgow)
Professor John Dillon (University of Dundee)
Professor Sharon Hutchinson (Glasgow Caledonian University
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January is Love Your Liver Awareness month a campaign ran by the British Liver Trust. The key aim of the month is to put a spotlight on liver disease risk factors and the steps we can take to keep our livers healthy.
The liver is a vital organ with an amazing ability to regenerate. Performing over 500 jobs, including producing energy and fighting infection, it works hard and can tolerate a lot of abuse. But like an elastic band – it can only stretch so far before it breaks. Taking steps to look after your liver will give it the chance to replace damaged tissue with new cells.
One in three of us is at risk of liver disease. While there are over 100 types of liver disease, with some conditions caused by genetic and autoimmune factors, a staggering 90% of cases are linked to alcohol consumption, excess body weight, diet and viral hepatitis.
Pamela Healy, Chief Executive at the British Liver Trust, said: “Liver disease has been a growing public health concern in the last twenty years during which time deaths have more than doubled with more than 10,000 people dying from the disease every year. Ninety per cent of liver disease is avoidable and sadly, the numbers of people being diagnosed have been increasing at an alarming rate".
The British Liver Trust’s Love Your Liver campaign has three simple but effective steps to improve your liver health:
- Drink less than 14 units of alcohol and have three consecutive days off alcohol every week.
- Cut down on sugar, carbohydrates and fat, and take more exercise.
- Know the risk factors for viral hepatitis and get tested or vaccinated if at risk. There are now highly effective cures for hepatitis.
(Blog supplied by the British Liver Trust)
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The British Liver Trust is looking for new Trustees to join their Board.
Their Trustees play a pivotal role in providing governance and guidance to ensure they are delivering for people with liver disease and liver cancer. They are involved in setting the strategic direction of the organisation, as well as holding the senior management team to account. The trustees work closely as a team with the senior management team of the charity, playing an active role advising and mentoring as required.
The British Liver Trust is a small charity with big ambitions. They want liver disease to have the same profile and awareness as the other big killer diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
They are looking to recruit trustees to help the charity grow and develop to meet this challenge. At this time, they would particularly like:
- to recruit a clinician with specialist Hepatitis B knowledge, and
- to broaden the diversity of their Board, particularly ethnic diversity which they recognise as limited currently
The British Liver Trust is committed to improving equality, diversity, and inclusion across the organisation and to building a Board with a variety of backgrounds, skills and views, so that their leadership reflects the population at large and the communities they serve. They also welcome applications from people who have personal experience of liver disease. Please tell us if there may be any barriers to your engagement with us and we will actively work with you to remove these.
They currently have 4 Board meetings a year, usually virtually, Trustees may be asked to sit on a Board sub-committee relevant to their skill set and are invited to get involved in other ways from time to time.
If you have the skills, knowledge and experience required, please ask for a pack from .
If you would like an informal chat with the British Liver Trust Chief Executive, Pamela Healy, please email Helen with your availability so that she can arrange this.
Applications close midnight on 14 February 2024.
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The British Journal of Nursing is delighted to welcome nominations.
The BJN Awards are designed to recognise, highlight, and reward excellence, innovation, best practice and leadership in care.
Do any of your colleagues deserve recognition?
Have you excelled in clinical practice?
Please nominate for the Gastrointestinal Nurse of the Year category.
Visit the BJN website for all of the information and to Enter on line > HERE
Entries close on 15th December 2023!
On Friday the 22nd of March 2024, the BJN in partnership with the leading UK nursing societies will host its prestigious annual awards at the BMA House, London. The evening promises to be a special night where we will celebrate amazing nursing achievements and hear from the winners on their award-winning work to inspire others to introduce changes to their own practice.
For any enquiries please contact Erin Cardon. Email .
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New research reveals late detection of liver disease crisis with more than a third dying within a year of diagnosis:
"Alright My Liver?" screening programme in the South West finds hundreds with liver damage, potentially saving lives:
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Dear Colleagues
A new group for physicians trainees interested in solid organ transplantation (comparable to the Herrick Society) has been established with the support of The British Transplantation Society and the UKODTRN.
This group is for all trainees from all backgrounds across medical training. We aim to support education, training and research as well as represent physician trainee views around issues pertinent to solid organ transplantation.
If you are interested in being kept informed as the society develops (not formal membership at this stage) please complete the link which follows by 18th September 2023 (and vote on what we should name the society!).
Specific queries can be directed to and the link to complete is here: .
Please share with your colleagues.
Best wishes
Karen Rockwell, Co-Director UK Organ Donation and Transplantation (UKODTRN)
Kaitlin Mayne, BTPTS Chair
(Updated 11/09/23 deadline extended)
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More information can be found in the Media Release here > Download Pathway Improvement Project-Media Release-August 2nd 2023.pdf
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Distributed on behalf of NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Organ Donation in Transplantation and NHS Blood and Transplant.
Online Survey - Measuring patient experiences and outcomes in organ transplantation.
Do you support patients preparing for, or having received, a solid organ transplant?
We are inviting hospitals and patient organisations to complete an online survey of current use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) in solid organ transplantation.
Your contribution is vital to foundational work to plan the integration of PROMs and PREMs into the UK Transplant Registry.
For more information please visit the Blood and Transplant Research Unit website click > HERE .
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Obesity Health Alliance (OHA) Publishes Health Inequalities Position Statement - February 2023.
To read the Statement on the OHA website please click > Here .
The document outlines the key evidence on the relationship between excess weight and inequalities in health outcomes for a range of different socio-economic groups. Furthermore, it explores the policy recommendations that represent the most viable first step to close these inequalities.
The document brings together a consensus on this issue from all of the members of the Obesity Health Alliance, representing over 50 of the leading health charities, campaign groups and medical royal colleges in the UK.
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The scope and remit of liver nurses is diversifying year on year and we remain constant in the care and management of people with and at risk of liver disease. Our diverse skills that we possess, such as being person centred, collaborative, advocates, being solution focused and proactive and demonstrating emotional intelligence in response to changing needs continues to be showcased by liver nurses locally across all four nations of the UK.
The BLNA are seeking liver nurses with a drive and enthusiasm to be involved on a national level in supporting, educating and demonstrating leadership for the liver nurse community.
The BLNA Committee require 3 new committee members from April 2023 due to planned demitting, and are now seeking nominations for the following posts:
• 2 x 2-year tenure posts
• 1 x 3-year tenure post
This is an exciting opportunity for liver nurses to get involved with our friendly committee and share their skills and experience. You will gain experience working collaboratively and strategically at a national level to ensure that the needs of people with or at risk of liver disease and liver nurses are represented at the highest levels in the UK. The BLNA are key participants in the UK Liver Alliance, IQILs refresh, BSG liver section etc.
Please read some of the testimonials from BLNA members who have joined the committee > Download BLNA Committee Testimonials 2023.pdf
Committee members are expected to attend a monthly committee meeting held via Zoom, these take place usually on either the first or second Monday of each month from 12:00 – 13:30pm. In addition commitment is also requested from committee members to attend 2-3 other meetings each year, these may be held face to face or virtually.
If you are interested in joining the BLNA Committee, you must be a registered nurse with an interest in liver care and be a BLNA member.
Nomination Process
Candidates wishing to be considered for election require one BLNA member to propose them, and a second BLNA member to confirm their suitability for the role in writing, by email.
Please note to be eligible to nominate, both the proposer and seconder must be a registered nurse and any nomination should include your NMC PIN number.
Email your nominations, including your NMC PIN number, to Judy at the BASL Secretariat at by the deadline of 09:00 on Monday 30th January 2023.
It would be helpful when proposing a candidate if you can advise if they prefer to stand for a 2 year or a 3-year tenure.
A personal statement, containing no more than approx. 300 words, may be requested from the candidates following nomination. Permission will be requested to share the personal statements with the BASL BLNA membership. (Personal statements are intended for this purpose only.)
If more than 3 candidates are nominated, the BASL Secretariat will arrange for an election of all BLNA members. Three candidates will be elected by a simple majority of those BLNA members voting.
Important -
• Newly elected BLNA committee members will be required to attend an on-boarding meeting via Zoom on Friday 31st March 1:30 - 3:30pm.
• Newly elected BLNA Committee members will take over in post from 1st April 2023 and will be expected to be available to join the monthly committee meeting via Zoom, (due to Easter) is taking place on Monday 17th April 2023 from 12:00 – 13:30pm.
• Newly elected BLNA Committee members will be required to attend an additional face to face meeting in London on 3rd May 2023 where the focus will be on working towards refreshing nursing aspects of IQILS.
Michelle Clayton, Chair of the BLNA, is happy for members who are interested in joining the committee to contact her if they have any questions, you can reach Michelle at ; or you can speak to one of the BLNA committee members, see the testimonials for members contact email addresses.
BASL is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work. It is actively promoting equal opportunities and access for all our members regardless of their background. We would, therefore, encourage you to consider joining the BLNA committee to help to shape the future of BASL, BLNA and liver nursing in the UK, and increase our inclusivity/inclusiveness.